Friday, August 31, 2012


Just a quick update to inform that I arrived at Worldcon in Chicago yesterday.  WorldCon, for those who don’t know, is the World Science Fiction Convention, this year in its 70th iteration.  It’s actually my second WorldCon, (I went to Lonestar Con 2 in San Antonio back in ’97), but it’s my first to attend as a writer. 

As I’m still relatively new to the game, I only had one panel appearance, which was yesterday.  I had a story come out in Daily Science Fiction’s Year One Anthology, so I was asked to participate in a reading/signing supporting the book.  I have to say it was an honor to get to read some of my work at a venue such as WorldCon, but I was also a bit nervous, so I’m sort of glad it’s over.  Now I can simply enjoy all the overwhelming craziness that is WorldCon. 

More soon...